Sunday, June 12, 2011

Title Page: The Circle and Triangle

TEXT: In earlier editions of the Big Book, the title page included the image of the circle and the triangle that we so often see around meetings.

THOUGHT: My sponsor had me draw the circle and triangle on the title page of the Big Book. He told me that if I was a real alcoholic, then I suffered from a three-fold illness: physical, mental, and spiritual. He told me that my recovery likewise depended on a three-fold solution that was embodied in the image of the circle and the triangle: (1) I was to bring my body to the meetings (Unity); (2) I was to bring my mind to the Steps (Recovery); and, (3) I was to channel my spirit to helping others (Service). Only if I was firmly grounded in all three parts of the program would I become whole--as symbolized by the circle.

PRAYER: Father, please enable me to set aside everything I think I know, for an open mind and a new experience; help me to see the Truth about Unity, Service, and Recovery.

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