Monday, June 20, 2011

Foreword to Second Edition: Whatever Works

TEXT (p. xxi): In all probability, we shall never be able to touch more than a fair fraction of the alcohol problem in all its ramifications. Upon therapy for the alcoholic himself, we surely have no monopoly. Yet it is our great hope that all those who have as yet found no answer may begin to find one in the pages of this book and will presently join us on the high road to a new freedom.

THOUGHT: When I first started working with new guys, I was so rigid about recovery that I would actually get into shouting matches with them. Today I realize A.A has no monopoly on recovery. In fact, it wouldn't want one--lest some drunk be denied freedom via some other means. I know that A.A. worked for me when nothing else did. And I want to carry that message of recovery to others who need it. But if you've got some other way to stay sober that works for you, the only honest response I can give is: "Thank God."

PRAYER: Father, please enable me to set aside everything I think I know, for an open mind and a new experience; help me to see the truth about each person's unique journey to God.

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