Sunday, June 12, 2011

Preface to Fourth Edition: Our Basic Text

TEXT (p. xi): Because this book has become the basic text for our Society and has helped such large numbers of alcoholic men and women to recovery, there exists strong sentiment against any radical changes being made in it. Therefore, the first portion of this volume, describing the A.A. recovery program, has been left largely untouched in the course of revisions made for the second, third, and fourth editions.

THOUGHT: First, I am told that the Big Book is essentially our textbook. Like any other textbook, I should probably start at the beginning and work my way through to the end, stopping to do all the assignments and take all the tests as I go along. Second, I am told that the first portion of the Big Book, generally understood to encompass the first 164 pages, is where I will find the recovery program.

PRAYER: Father, please enable me to set aside everything I think I know, for an open mind and a new experience; help me to see the truth about our recovery program.

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